About Me:

Dominic Dorsey II is a student activist, entrepreneur, poet, aspiring author, radio personality and president of every organization he's ever joined since the 7th grade. He began a career in public speaking at the tender age of 13 and has spoken in front of crowds ranging from 50 to 800 people at any given setting. From working on an Anti-Violence Teen Resolution in Washington D.C. to present to congress, to staging a protest against his university for racial discrimination and student funding inequity. Dominic prides himself on the lessons of leadership he's learned across the way. Lessons he hopes to share with students across the country. With Music (hip hop in particular) being his passion, this blog is a place to organize all his thoughts and observations on the topic. Along with stories addressing politics, pop culture, race & ethnicity and religion; it is the hope that in visiting this site, subjective analysis can stimulate conversation to enlighten the masses.


Donna Simpson of New Jersey is looking to go down in history as a women that weighs 1,000 pounds (SMH). She told telegraph.co.uk, “I’d love to be 1,000lb. It might be hard though. Running after my daughter keeps my weight down.” She's got three kids, from 3 to 14. Where's Howard Stern now? (*shoutout to Illseed @AllHipHop.com)

Hollywood & Obesity (A Dangerous Love Affair?)

Posted by dap_dorsey Mar 16, 2010

Okay, first I gotta address this. This was in my random news anyway, but there's been updates (shout out to Illseed), so apparently 42 year old Donna Simpson of New Jersey is serious as a heart attack about her attempts to break a record and reach 1000 pounds. No ton intended. Well,...maybe intended. Her chubby-chasing hubby is in full support and has been bringing her steaks with sides of a whole stick of butter for months in preparation. He thinks the fatter she gets, the sexier she is...She says he's definitely a "belly man" SMH...I don't see how he would ever be able to have sex again. If she reaches 1000 pounds she'll crush him like a 5 foot garlic press.

But I digress....and she digests...

Remember when Howard Stern made those caustic remarks about Gabourey Sidibe.

Of course Gabby is famous or rather infamous for her portrayal in the title role of the movie Precious. No one really truly thinks Howard Stern is the nicest guy on the planet, nor do I think he's concerned with getting invited to any dinner parties any time soon, so his hurtful remarks aren't my concern. It would be different if he weren't the only one dissing her. Even after all the media attention and outcry of support for Gabby, and the news reports from local and national media outlets that indicate she in fact did receive additional acting roles and work in an upcoming series on Showtime; Jamie Foxx STILL went in on her on his radio show for Foxhole on satellite radio. And I mean he went in. Even so far as to call her the "Notorious Precious".


The saddest part of this whole conversation is, underneath the comedic jabs and painful ribbing. They're right. It's difficult to judge the acting chops of an up and coming actor cast solely for their body type. I haven't even seen the movie, but I saw snippets and I saw her live on the Monique show. Actually, the latter made me less inclined to go to the theaters or to the RedBox in attempts to watch it. She basically mumbled and shuffled through the movie evoking pain and seemingly catatonic from abuse. Heartbreaking as the story was, I'm not sure what range she was judged upon.

But then again, as in as thin is, we've always had an affinity for thick. Just like Mr. Simpson, we wrap our arms around the belly-fat of our favorites readily. Just look at the numbers put up by movies such as Big Momma's House, Madea Movies, and perhaps the progenitor of the fat-suit trend; The Nutty Professor.

We cheer for them when they triumph in spite of their size and weep for them when it becomes a near crippling road block. We laugh with them when they poke fun at their own enormity and chuckle harder when they're the butt of someone else's jokes. Just look at the naturally large men and women who rose to levels of success while being typecast by size: James Belushi, Chris Farley, Lou Costello, Cedric the Entertainer, John Candy, Ralphie May, Gabriel Iglesias, Curly Howard (3 Stooges) and Rodney Dangerfield. They got tons of roles...(seriously I didn't mean a pun this time), but in every case their size was always a huge factor in the funny.

Does this mean that Gabby will be cast out of drama and into the land of comedy where weight reigns supreme? Maybe she'll show up on Glee as the newest stereotypical big girl from the Baptist Choir. Maybe she'll shut us all up and win next season's edition of Celebrity Fit Club?

What isn't funny is that with many of those funny fat men I mentioned earlier, many of them succumbed to the health risks associated with obesity, struggled with drug use or alcoholism (stemming from deep seeded depression). Each celebrated for their size and every one drenched in loved ones lamenting about how they didn't invest in their health sooner. But this is Gabby's first role...there's still time yet. Isn't there?

Who knows. But with all the media attention and with weight conscious divas like Oprah Winfrey and bigger is better spokeswoman turned svelte starlet; Oscar winning Monique in her corner...I doubt she'll be playing the big girl role for long...and certainly not forever.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous Said,

    I enjoyed reading this blog. (#1 fan!) I am a small girl that got lucky because I came from a family with majority obese women. I watched alot of them deal with diabetes and other health issues. Although I am thin, that does not mean I am healthy. I do think her weight is a health concern, but I do not think becoming thin is the answer. Monique is smaller but not thin. I think she is a great size and hopefully the Gabby chick realize that losing weight is not to fit in, it is for her health and wellness. As far as the fat lady trying to become 1000 lbs, I think she just want attention and a social security check! *Gina*

    Posted on March 17, 2010 at 7:34 AM


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