About Me:

Dominic Dorsey II is a student activist, entrepreneur, poet, aspiring author, radio personality and president of every organization he's ever joined since the 7th grade. He began a career in public speaking at the tender age of 13 and has spoken in front of crowds ranging from 50 to 800 people at any given setting. From working on an Anti-Violence Teen Resolution in Washington D.C. to present to congress, to staging a protest against his university for racial discrimination and student funding inequity. Dominic prides himself on the lessons of leadership he's learned across the way. Lessons he hopes to share with students across the country. With Music (hip hop in particular) being his passion, this blog is a place to organize all his thoughts and observations on the topic. Along with stories addressing politics, pop culture, race & ethnicity and religion; it is the hope that in visiting this site, subjective analysis can stimulate conversation to enlighten the masses.


Donna Simpson of New Jersey is looking to go down in history as a women that weighs 1,000 pounds (SMH). She told telegraph.co.uk, “I’d love to be 1,000lb. It might be hard though. Running after my daughter keeps my weight down.” She's got three kids, from 3 to 14. Where's Howard Stern now? (*shoutout to Illseed @AllHipHop.com)

Celebrating Ignorance for Black History Month

Posted by dap_dorsey Feb 17, 2010

Granted, we haven't experienced this level of racism on our campus as blatantly...BUT COME ON!

It exists in forms of ignorance I cannot express or come up with words to eloquently explain. I remember doing a case study in my theory class with a similar topic dealing with students preparing an event featuring chit'lin dinners and a menu with misspelled words. I thought "surely this wouldn't happen in 2009"...I was right.

It happens in 2010.

Disgusting. THIS is why Black History Month is and will always be important. Not only do people fear what they don't understand, but in total ignorance, they mock it and are perverse in their attempts to show their willingness to bridge the gap, or even their fearlessness in embracing diversity (*GAG*).

With Harry Reid, John Mayer, Don Imus, Micheal Richards and Dog the Bounty Hunter...how can anyone ignorantly say that the world is color-blind or that we live in a post-racial society when not only are public figures caught in ignorance but the most INSENSITIVE ACTS EVER RECORDED still take place amongst "educated" citizens on a university campus.

Wow...just wow. And we still have only black students at black history events.

just...read below SMH


Student's blog that set everything in motion --> http://blackgirlindiego.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-need-your-help.html

Below is a description of an event by UCSD's Greek Community "In honor of Black History Month..." Please help me by a) re-posting on your blogs and or b) e-mailing the president of UCSD's Inter-fraternity Council to let them know that this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

"New Low for UCSD"
[PLEASE keep in mind that today, UCSD has about 200 Black students PERIOD.... out of about 20,000 undergrads. yes.......closer to 1% than 2%]

February marks a very important month in American society. No, i'm not referring to Valentines day or Presidents day. I'm talking about Black History month. As a time to celebrate and in hopes of showing respect, the Regents community cordially invites you to its very first Compton Cookout.

For guys:
I expect all males to be rockin Jersey's, stuntin' up in ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable), anything FUBU, Ecko, Rockawear, High/low top Jordans or Dunks, Chains, Jorts, stunner shades, 59 50 hats, Tats, etc.

For girls: For those of you who are unfamiliar with ghetto chicks-Ghetto chicks usually have gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes - they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture. They also have short, nappy hair, and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red.
They look and act similar to Shenaynay, and speak very loudly, while rolling their neck, and waving their finger in your face. Ghetto chicks have a very limited vocabulary, and attempt to make up for it, by forming new words, such as "constipulated", or simply cursing persistently, or using other types of vulgarities, and making noises, such as "hmmg!", or smacking their lips, and making other angry noises,grunts, and faces.
The objective is for all you lovely ladies to look, act, and essentially take on these "respectable" qualities throughout the day.

Several of the regents condos will be teaming up to house this monstrosity, so travel house to house and experience the various elements of life in the ghetto.

We will be serving 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank- which consists of sugar, water, and the color purple , chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon. So come one and come all, make ya self before we break ya self, keep strapped, get yo shine on, and join us for a day party to be remembered- or not.

UCSD's Greek Advisor is Emily Feinstein: eufeinstein@ucsd.edu
UCSD's IFC President is Tommy Allen: tgallen@ucsd.edu


according to .black.girl.in.diego's blog the university sent this e-mail out in a mass response...

All UCSD employees just got the following email. Of course, we had no idea what it was about. But thanks to the blogging world, I'm up to speed. Disgraceful.

University of California, San Diego



February 16, 2010


SUBJECT: Condemnation of Off-Campus Party and Affirmation of Principles
of Community

We were distressed to learn that over the weekend an offensively themed
student party, mocking the commemoration of Black History Month, took
place off campus. We strongly condemn this event and the blatant
disregard of our campus values. Although the party was not a UC San
Diego student-organization sponsored event, participants did include UC
San Diego students and that causes us great concern.

As stated in our Principles of Community,
http://blink.ucsd.edu/HR/policies/POC/principles-of-community.html, we
reject acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age,
disability, sexual orientation, religion, and political beliefs, and, we
will confront and appropriately respond to such acts. We reaffirm our
Principles of Community
http://blink.ucsd.edu/HR/policies/POC/principles-of-community.html and
encourage the campus to join us in our affirmation.

In addition, we invite students, staff and faculty to participate in a
teach-in from noon to 2 p.m. on February 24 in the Price Center East
Ballroom to explore how such incidents continue to occur today and to
discuss the importance of mutual respect and civility on our campus.

Marye Anne Fox

Penny Rue
Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs


I SINCERELY hope we would never experience anything like this on our campus...but I'm sure San Diego thought the same thing. What do you think of this kind of racist ignorance perpetuated on a COLLEGE CAMPUS no less? Where's their diversity statement?

There's another question that begs an answer. I know that these students should be ashamed for their ignorance...but what responsibility do we have as individuals who perpetuate the stereotypes? I remember a while ago that Chris Rock said he "loved black people, but hates niggas"...I echoed his sentiments. Sadly, "Niggaz" are all that is shown on television by and large. The gold teeth and do-rags in public. Jeans with a belt tightened firmly around the knees (c'mon son). Nikki Minaj is the poster girl for pink weave. I'm all about rebellious fashion statements, but some looks that have typified the "black culture" are simply what we wear around the house and step outside in (i.e. house shoes at the super-market or a robe to pick your kids up from school with rollers in your hair). Look how our children talk!?!?

Look how we act in public, even at sporting events!

They cancelled "Hot Ghetto Mess" on BET with Charlie Murphy because they felt we put too much of our business in the street. But damn...I'm starting to feel like Cosby. Maybe our business is already in the street. We need to stop the madness. We've GOT to do better. It would be different if these individuals from Pi Kappa Alpha were mocking black culture intentionally, but this is honestly what they think being black is all about!

Are we honestly seen as shuck and jive? Will the dominant vs. subordinate theory always envelope our people and reduce the black experience to fashion trends? What other culture is defined by the way they dress or talk? Blacks are the only people who accuse one another of talking White. But it seems like the hip thing to do to talk black. Have you ever heard of a party where you dress like a Cholo? Or an Asian Barbecue where you dress like a stereotypical Asian? If you have, kick the dude who made the invite squarely in the throat because it's just as racist. My point is, the black stereotype being emphasized in the media is much more prevalent. What do we do? Many black people celebrate it and relish in it. Making the stereotypes even more pronounced. Hell, we could go into the recent label whore fashion trend where you're covered from head to toe in Gucci, Fendi, Prada and Louis Vuitton...but it's no different than when it was Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess and Polo back in the late 90's.

True, it's not fair that we be expected to uphold a standard when no other culture seemingly has to abide by them. Are there stereotypes for Latinos, Asians, Native Americans and Gays in America? Absolutely. But none of those stereotypes revolve around the blatant examples of ignorance shown above.

Someone's gotta kill the babysitter. Stop letting BET videos dictate how black you are and who is black enough. I can't even blame them entirely because WE SUPPORT THE IGNORANCE! Stop teaching our kids to dance before teaching them to read. Stop spending your tax check on things that don't appreciate with value and invest in your or for God's sake your child's future! Am I outraged at the level of racism that is currently exhibited across our country in the same era as our first black president?!?! Absolutely. But I'm also saddened that after 439 years of captivity, Jim Crow, the civil rights movement and countless victories for equality and equity for black people, we still do so much damage to ourselves.

So this black history month, don't just educate yourself. Educate everyone you can. Black and White (I know sometimes how taxing that can be). Latino, Asian, Native American and any subculture in between.

Collectively, we've got to do better.

1 Comment
  1. June 4, 1977: An original poem composed for the 99th Commencement of Lake Forest College by Theodor Seuss Geisel (a.k.a Dr. Seuss). Eugene Hotchkiss III was president of Lake Forest College from 1970 to 1993.

    On Dr. Seuss’s piece of paper were these words:

    My Uncle Terwilliger on
    the Art of Eating Popovers

    My uncle ordered popovers
    from the restaurant’s bill of fare.
    And, when they were served,
    he regarded them
    with a penetrating stare…
    Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom
    as he sat there on that chair:
    “To eat these things,”
    said my uncle,
    “you must exercise great care.
    You may swallow down what’s solid…
    you must spit out the air!”

    as you partake of the world’s bill of fare,
    that’s darned good advice to follow.
    Do a lot of spitting out the hot air.
    And be careful what you swallow.

    —Dr. Seuss


    Posted on March 3, 2010 at 10:51 AM


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