About Me:

Dominic Dorsey II is a student activist, entrepreneur, poet, aspiring author, radio personality and president of every organization he's ever joined since the 7th grade. He began a career in public speaking at the tender age of 13 and has spoken in front of crowds ranging from 50 to 800 people at any given setting. From working on an Anti-Violence Teen Resolution in Washington D.C. to present to congress, to staging a protest against his university for racial discrimination and student funding inequity. Dominic prides himself on the lessons of leadership he's learned across the way. Lessons he hopes to share with students across the country. With Music (hip hop in particular) being his passion, this blog is a place to organize all his thoughts and observations on the topic. Along with stories addressing politics, pop culture, race & ethnicity and religion; it is the hope that in visiting this site, subjective analysis can stimulate conversation to enlighten the masses.


Donna Simpson of New Jersey is looking to go down in history as a women that weighs 1,000 pounds (SMH). She told telegraph.co.uk, “I’d love to be 1,000lb. It might be hard though. Running after my daughter keeps my weight down.” She's got three kids, from 3 to 14. Where's Howard Stern now? (*shoutout to Illseed @AllHipHop.com)

Okay. I just want the bleeding to stop. If I hear one more person say to me "it was a bad weekend for black people" I'm gonna scream. Yes. Lil' Mama made herself look like an idiot for not falling back crashing the stage during Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' performance of Empire State of Mind. Yes, Kanye looked like a douche for storming the stage and ruining Taylor Swift's moment. *shrugs*. I think both moment's are shocking, but no where near warranted the type of language I've been hearing or the type of blatant racist statements I've been seeing over the past few days.

Lil Mama isn't too bright. We know this. If anyone should be pointing fingers at her, it should be the GLBT Community for making reckless comments about Leomi from Vogue Evolution and her being born a Male and not Female. Lil' Mama has no pause to talk to anyone about being transgendered, and should stick to commenting on dance techniques and clean lines and less on genitalia and what that has to do with being a lady or a man for that matter. Clearly her sense of timing and appropriate etiquette is lacking as well.

I've stated before. Yes. I am a fan of Kanye, but no by no means am I a fan of his antics. Do I agree with everything he does? No. But I don't agree with everything I do. Has he done this type of thing before? Yes. Do I think he's a pariah and a necessary whipping boy for the entire continental U.S.? Negative. I'm embarrassed for him. I'm embarrassed for Lil' Mama. Both of them deemed their opinion or their presence more important than it actually is. I think Beyonce should of won too. As a matter of fact, I thought GaGa was going to take the award on general purpose. But I was happy for Taylor Swift being that it was her first award.

People actually hate Kanye West now. Taylor Swift gave an awesome performance afterwards. Clearly baby girl has a thick skin, so we don't need to protect her. Beyonce made amends by relinquishing her time to give her speech to allow Taylor to have her moment. Beautifully done.

Kanye goes on the premiere of the Jay Leno show and before his scheduled appearance, makes a public apology to Taylor Swift, his fans, and the memory of his mother. But that's still not enough?!?! So what if he makes an ass of himself. It's entertaining. If he threw blood on her on stage and screamed "THEY'RE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU!" or "COUNTRY MUSIC IS MURDER!!!" ...I could see people being more mad. But saying he "Cursed out Taylor and snatched her award" is just false and fabricating an already mammoth sized situation out of proportion. He apologized to Taylor's mother, he apologized to Taylor herself the next day. He apologized publicly. What do you want from this man? His testicles on a platter?

Then to hear people call him a racist piece of shit? People are going so hard at this guy it would be laughable if it weren't so offensive:

dapz400- "that was a god awful apology...pretending to be crying...motherfucking gayfish...i hope you don't ever get a chance again....i cant respect you as an artist, hell as a human being for what you did!!! all my respects to taylor swift, even though im not really into her music it doesnt mean i cant say she is a great artist."

vinkie35 -"GAY FISH

DIE!!! "

lHateyouYesyou-"UCK YOU KANYE, this isnt the first time u been an asshole, you been an asshole your whole like saying how you should be in the bible and your the voice of this generation, you 31, u might have been the voice of the last generation but now your just a mic grabbing telling ppl they dont deserve a award nigger, this is the only time i wish the KKK was still around so the could lynch you. Im in the computer lab at school and theres a black guy next to me, i hope he dosent see me type this."

joewoo127- "Back In Da' CAGE ! MONKEY ! "

shaveliii- "kayne west is a rude ass mutherfucking nigga who should had gotten shot yesterday..Im not rascist but you dont do that to no1...she won it what u gun do?nigga ass hater!!! I hate kayne west.he was probably drugged up in that bitch..i hate kayne west he suckssss"

So now he's a racist. He should die because he grabbed the microphone on stage. He just couldn't stand that a white girl won over his bosses wife...people...his girlfriend is white. Can't hate Caucasians too much to stay up under one that tall nightly. I'm just saying. I think Kanye is passionate about music for one and for two that he hit that bottle of Hennessey really hard he brought with him on the Red Carpet. Worse things have happened. Someone threw a shoe at Bush. No one went hard on them like this. It's ridiculous these comments. Check yourself and look in the mirror. Every religion preaches forgiveness. Pick one and move on to more important things to talk about. Everyone knows EXACTLY what Kanye said to Taylor...but I can't find three people that know both parties positions on Universal Health Care...riiiiiiiight.

Oh, one more from the peanut gallery. One person responded to the Kanye vids with this:

CamiloSanchez1979 -"that's the least humble black guy i have ever seen since serena williams xD "

Serena should not be made out to be some animal on the court. Not when Jimmy Connors =(1986), John McEnroe (at Wimbleton 1981), Mikhail Youzhny, (2008) and Marat Safin all have thrown the biggest temper tantrums Tennis has ever seen!!!!

True, Serena is a woman, but Sharapova curses like a sailor in tounges that would make poor Dolce' the Dog cower in fear from a Powershot. She's not fined $10,000 for match point antics.

Let's be real.

I don't call out a racial double standard often, but when Black people do embarrassing things or make unpopular public statements, it's the end of the world. People have been talking about Kanye, Lil' Mama and Serena Williams nonstop for days. People don't even remember the name of the representative who called our President a liar on national television during an address to Congress in chambers.

I do. It was South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson. Unabashed and unashamed. He called the President of the United States a liar. And refused to apologize on the floor. Even when Republican party leaders demanded he do so. Republican's applauded his antics. Hell, in some circles I'm sure he got a medal. There were republicans who openly laughed and booed him during a speech on Health Care. I don't get when polite disdain went out of fashion, but I say this to point out that entertainers and athletes aren't the only offenders. Politicians are well versed at being a jerk as well.

Speaking of athletes, I think the only people thanking Kanye for what he did, if even only privately is Micheal Vick and Chris Brown. The heat's off Vick for a while because what he did is no where near as bad. He only had knowledge of fight dogs being beat and electrocuted then buried on his property. Chris Breezy only domestically abused his girlfriend and left her on a curb crying...But Kanye should be publicly stoned for being critical openly in a society where talking about Lady GaGa's attire and performance, the season finale of The Hills and T.O.'s first game with the Buffalo Bills takes precedent over the missing body of a missing Yale University graduate found in a laboratory wall.

No one talks about what's important anymore. The social and political agenda has been set. More TV's are tuned to MTV and VH1 than CNN and MSNBC. We're a wealth of knowledge on popular culture but completely ignorant of relevant current events and we create enemies of entertainers when we excuse AIG executives and ex-presidents who usher the family of known terrorists out of the country moments after an attack on U.S. soil...

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin. But Obama is the liar.

Get a grip people. Let it go. Chris Brown apologized. Let him be. Kanye did too. I have yet to hear from Joe Wilson publicly and Bush escaped the wrath by re-writing the history of his presidency throughout the 911 saga. Can we move on now?
